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Signs of a Declining Transmission That Should Never Be Overlooked

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Your car's transmission system is not only integral to the functioning of your vehicle, but it is also one of its most structurally complex systems. It is made up of a multitude of electronic parts and sophisticated hydraulics that are designed to work in tandem so that your gears and engine stay functional. Therefore, any signs of trouble with your transmission system should be addressed as soon as they are spotted, or you could end up experiencing a breakdown at the most inopportune moment. Nonetheless, new drivers may not be aware that their transmission system has become compromised. Here are just a few of the signs of a declining transmission system that should never be overlooked.

Your vehicle has developed a transmission leak

One of the main symptoms of a transmission system that is in trouble is leaking fluid. The leak may start off as subtle drops on your driveway when you have parked your vehicle but can quickly escalate into expensive transmission repairs. Keep in mind that your car's transmission fluid is important as it facilitates the shifting capability of your vehicle. Moreover, the transmission fluid neither burns nor is consumed by your vehicle, so it should not be running low. Monitoring the levels of your transmission fluid is another way of discerning if your car has developed a leak. Some of the causes of a transmission leak include:

  • Gaskets and seals that have become worn

  • Bell housing that has acquired damage

  • A transmission pan that has come loose

  • Axles that have worn down

Your vehicle has developed odd noises

One thing to note about automatic and manual transmission systems is that they can exhibit different symptoms when they are damaged. Nonetheless, any strange noises coming from your vehicle should be a warning sign that your transmission may require professional attention. If you have a manual transmission system, one of the sounds that could develop is loud grinding whenever you are trying to change your gears. This grinding noise will typically be indicative of a worn clutch that either would require professional adjustment or may need replacement if the clutch is worse for wear. If you have an automatic transmission system, you may begin to hear unusual screeching or whining noises when trying to shift gears. Your vehicle shimmying with each gear change may also accompany the screeching. Any sudden noises coming from your vehicle should warn you to seek car servicing post haste, or you may end up causing irrevocable damage to your transmission system.

Contact a car servicing shop for more information, especially if you have a different kind of transmission, such as a manual or 4 wheel drive transmission.
