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Troubleshooting Some Common Car Repair Issues

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Taking your car in for needed repairs may not be your idea of a fun afternoon, but it’s absolutely necessary to do this once your car starts acting up. Small problems with your car can indicate major trouble under the hood, and this trouble can lead to serious repair bills and to having your car break down when you least expect it. To help you better understand what you might be facing when it comes to car repairs and their accompanying costs, note a few troubleshooting tips for common car repair issues. Read More»

What's Involved in Repairing Your Car After a Crash?

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No matter how careful you may be when you’re on the road, the fact remains that if you drive the typical number of miles per year, you are likely to be involved in a car crash eventually. Some people estimate that you could encounter several of these “mishaps” during your lifetime, which is a rather sobering thought. Of course, if you’re unlucky enough to find yourself in that type of situation at the moment, statistics are of no interest to you, but you will certainly want to know how they’re going to repair your vehicle when you take it in. Read More»

The Different Types of Hydraulic Equipment

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Hydraulic equipment employs the use of liquid fluid power to work. There are various valves used to control the hydraulic fluid as it moves through the equipment. The technology is also applied when it comes to vehicles. Hydraulic equipment are used when servicing your vehicle as the elevation enables full viewing of the vehicle. There are different types of lifts that are used in various car repair centres to be able to properly diagnose and repair your vehicle in case of any problems. Read More»

Car care: things you need to know to perform a car service

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Car owners know that besides the ever rising cost of having your vehicle serviced, the reliability and overall effort put into your car by mechanics may vary due to any number of reasons. Common issues such as delays and poor service may discourage you and make the whole experience unsatisfactory. This should not be the case as certain elements of car servicing may be done at the comfort of your own home with a few DIY tips. Read More»

Why Tow Bars May Be Better Than Tow Dollies

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Are you undecided about the best way to tow your RV without renting a tow truck? Read on and discover some reasons why buying a tow bar may be better than using a tow dolly. Easier Installation and Removal You should think about how easy it will be for you to remove the towing system in case you don’t want to leave it on the tow vehicle for extended durations. Tow bars are easier to remove and disassemble when compared to tow dollies. Read More»

How to Diagnose Some of Your Car's Performance Issues

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The longer that you own your car, the more that you get to know it. You will become used to its idiosyncrasies and expect a certain level of performance every time you jump in. However, when things start to go wrong it can be difficult to put your finger on it. You may notice that you’re losing power, but don’t know what it could be. In this case, perhaps some of these symptoms will provide you with a clue: Read More»

Why You Can't Afford to Wait If Your Car Develops a Power Steering Issue

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Most Australians spend a good deal of time driving their car on a daily basis, mainly back and forth to work and as a consequence become used to the way that it behaves. They’re used to the various noises that will emanate as they drive along, and quickly become concerned if a strange sound suddenly materialises. Some of these noises warrant urgent investigation, especially if you happen to hear a whining noise whenever you move the steering wheel in a particular direction. Read More»

Changing Your Differential's Oil

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Your car’s differential is not necessarily one of the most well-known parts of its inner workings, but it plays an extremely important role. When you turn a corner, the difference in distance between the inner and outer wheels of the car means that those on the outside need to turn at a faster speed. This is because, effectively, they have further to go than the inner wheels as the car turns. Read More»

Signs of a Declining Transmission That Should Never Be Overlooked

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Your car’s transmission system is not only integral to the functioning of your vehicle, but it is also one of its most structurally complex systems. It is made up of a multitude of electronic parts and sophisticated hydraulics that are designed to work in tandem so that your gears and engine stay functional. Therefore, any signs of trouble with your transmission system should be addressed as soon as they are spotted, or you could end up experiencing a breakdown at the most inopportune moment. Read More»

The Less Obvious Parts of a Full Car Service

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Having a car serviced regularly is an important way to ensure your vehicle has as long a life as possible and that you can use it safely. While some aspects of a full car service are to be expected—e.g. engine checks, testing the brakes, examining the tyres—there are some checks that aren’t so obvious. Because they’re things you probably don’t often think about, here are some of the lesser-known servicing components and why they’re important. Read More»